I was just thinking today as I was rocking Greyson how hard it is to come up with a name, so I thought I would do a post of how we came up with Grey's name!
You know we all want that one unique, kinda cool, yet traditional kinda name, but that can be kinda difficult to find. The whole time I was pregnant with Grey I kept a list inside my jewelry box...don't know why that was the place it just kinda ended up in there and we would pull it out every so often and add to it or eliminate from it. We didn't start thinking of names until after we found out we were having a little boy! I also had a DEFINITE list of names we could NOT name him because with being a teacher you come across many names that just canNOT be! For example, Nate really liked the name Dylan (because of Bob Dylan...lol-go figure for Nate) but I had a Dylan in my class the first year (that's all I'm gonna say) and I just could not have that name for my son. You know what I mean!
Anyway, one day Nate was watching some surf show (go figure again) and in the credits at the end he saw the name Grayson and he brought it to my attention. He really liked it right away and the whole way through my pregnancy. And although, I liked it right away as well it kept fading in and out for me. I would really LOVE it and then I would get away from it kinda thing. I had never really heard it and I have yet to have one in my class. hah! I also really LOVED the name Grant...Grant Michael Ernat. I still do! I don't know why it was a G-thing with me for a little while but not all the names I liked started with G and I really don't want my children's names to all start with the letter G... that is I hope to have more someday ;)
And another name we liked was.............Krew....I can still go either way with it....and believe it or not those were the two names we went to the hospital with Greyson and Krew. (Dbabe was very happy we did not go with Krew...she was very clear in telling me that afterwards...lol) I really can't even remember about Krew-I think I saw it in a magazine. I really liked it at first and Nate was just okay with that one the whole time but got better with it towards the end. So on our way to the hospital I had a piece of paper in my pocket that read:
Greyson Lee Ernat
Krew Michael Ernat
We did not name Greyson right away of course because I was in recovery for an hour and no one was aloud to touch Greyson before me - I like that rule by the way! It's kinda funny because we have it on video my mom asking Nate if we decided on a name as they were all staring at Grey in the nursery through the window....because none of them knew and they were dying to know what it was going to be and Nate still never told....lucky for him....I would have been mad! hah!
Anyway, I knew Nate wanted Greyson and we both were not totally sold on Krew! So that's how the name came to be and as far as the middle name...all The Ernat boys have the middle name of Lee...and I thought GrEyson with an E in it looked much more masculine so I guess at least I got to pick the spelling. Nate definitely picked the name....and I LOVE it! I just always tell him that I definitely get to pick the next one's name!
It's funny because I look at Grey now and it's true he's just a Greyson and it fits him....there's no other name for him and I really do love it. I still have not heard it much at all, but I have a feeling it will get popular...maybe not but either way it was the perfect name for our first born son!
So, come on my blogger friends...how did you come up with your baby names? I would love to read about it!!!
And although the name really doesn't have a spectacular meaning or anything other than...gray-haired...how about this:
G =grand
N=narly ?! (LOL)
You know what I mean!
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