
Monday, December 3, 2012

Getting in the Christmas Spirit...

and considering we have 'Breakfast with Santa' planned for 3 out of the 4 weekends leading up to Christmas...we are on the right track.
My Monday didn't start the greatest folks...I decided to put chicken in the crockpot and with that I got a "didn't we have that last week?"  Nate got a VERY dirty look and the silent treatment for a little bit.  I don't know about you, but that's a BIG NO NO here - my first reply was - "Nate, you can cook us dinner tonight then!"  I knew we had a busy night so I wanted something easy and ready for all of us when I got home.  Needless to say, I did get an apology and tonight we all ate the chicken with a smile on our face;)  And in addition to that, Nate is in charge of dinner tomorrow night:)
moving on...

the big man in red...
 Grey's buddy Dominic...

 Saturday morning we went to Breakfast with Santa...Grammy Ann and Papa Mike joined us...

Check this mom found MY baby ring and it fits Sailie perfectly...

we tried to get a pic but Sailor is not a fan of Santa this year

These two together is the best...he's such a good BIG brother...
 he just sits there and lets her do whatever to him..

After breakfast my kids went with their grammy and papa and made some Christmas crafts...

Sunday was one of those days where we stayed in our jammies all day and then at about 5:00 took a bath and got into fresh jammies:)

I did have to go to school on Sunday and do a little work so I brought my two sidekicks with me.  We threw on our pink shoes and some cowboy boots to go with the pajamas and we were good to go...

Just so you know we have NO art teacher...we do this all on our own:)  Just thought I'd let you know that...Pinterest helps me a lot...

Grey is used to my room so he was good to go... he grabbed his mint and played some computer games...

But Sailie was another story...she might have raided a few desks...

and by the time she made it to my desk and got her hands on the stapler, it was time to call it QUITS!

After school, we came home just in time for lunch, so I cooked the kids some mac-n-cheese with a side of apples:)
sister is getting really good with a spoon...

we did some reading too...

then our contractor called and said that he was able to come do some work so we didn't mind a bit...he poured the concrete where our new mailbox is going to be and the kids were able to put their handprints in it...

Hope you had a great weekend!
Now, for the moment, back to the weekly grind...


  1. The chicken story made me lol! Jared is just happy when he gets dinner around here! ;)

    Great pics! Santa Bfast looks like it was lots of fun!

  2. The chicken story made me laugh, too! Same situation in my house...any comments/complaints means my husband has to cook dinner!

    Love all the Santa pictures! Maybe Sailor will warm up at her next meeting with the man in red:)
