
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Some Hockey for the Holidays

Woody must have known we were taking Grey and Sailor to a hockey game Tuesday night because in the morning we found him in a tower of legos and under Grey's hockey helmet...

This had Nate's name written all over it...He wanted to take Grey to a hockey game...this is Grey's 2nd game he's been to and he REALLY enjoys it!  He has been so excited for the past week...since we told him we were going...the whole Ernat clan went...when we walked in, the guy collecting our tickets gave Grey a hockey puck - it pretty much made his night - he slept with it under his pillow...

I kept playing with the settings on my camera...indoor lights really throw me for a loop;)  that's why all these photos look the way they do...

 Sailor took it ALL in...but luckily it was NOT crowded at all so sister could run 'free' down our aisle...

 One good thing about hockey games is that there's always entertainment going on...whether a fight, music, dancing, throwing hockey pucks, the blimp,  seeing yourself on the big screen...there's always something going on...

 watching the blimp...

by the end...tootie was doing this and getting stuck in the was time to go....

a little fishing with a mistletoe was going on;)

Fun night!!!


  1. Don't get me started on indoor lights! Your pics look great though!

  2. lol! I was gonna comment on the indoor lights too! I had the worst time at Clay's Christmas program...florescent lights in the gym equals terrible pictures! We are hoping to take Clay to a game in January-he hasn't been yet.
