
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wednesday...Where we're at...

The heat is still going strong, but it's supposed to let up here after today.  Maybe Fall will be on its way soon.  The early outs at school have been nice, but I think I'm ready for jeans, boots, and sweaters :-)

So, until then, we skateboard...

Mama might skateboard too - NOT! (the other day after school)

And since it was so hot and Grey wanted to be outside, we pulled out the water guns...

But then they came after me....

I think Sailor is feeling better, but I don't wanna say it out loud...(I think her eyes still look sick...)
Corduroy is always a good read at our house...

The tickle monster gets her every time...

Grey was still playing outside with all the kids, so Sailie enjoyed a nice bubble bath all to herself.

My boys got haircuts...Grey didn't like his at first but he's getting used to it...

and Sister just being her spunky little self...

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Grey's haircut is too cute, and the bubble bath pics are adorable!!

  2. Love Sailor's piggies! And Grey's haircut is too cute!
