
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Life this week...

has consisted of...let's just say a whole lotta watering...Remember I told you we just got all new landscaping...and as most of you know 'home ownership' is a lot of work...but it's well worth it I've been told...that's what my dad keeps telling me anyway...

Here are some pictures of our landscaping...
 this is the west side of our house...

 we went with mulch for now but I hope to upgrade to rock eventually...

 This is the back...we have A LOT of trees to take care of...Nate has been SOOOOO good with them...he's my eco-friendly hubby...
 and here is the new patio furniture we purchased...

this would be the east side of our we've got a good start to it...I'm sure I'll be moving stuff around eventually and different things but for now I'm just trying to keep it alive;-)

Other than that our life has looked something like this...
this is how Sailor looked the other morning....she wanted her back pack on and her goggles - Oh I love this girl...

and this little guy NO longer needs his training wheels...I'm so proud of him.....a few weeks back he asked Nate to take them off and seriously 10 minutes later he was riding around like a pro...way to go Grey!

a little evening football this past week - sister better run!

my watering partner...(these are all the hastas that line the North side of our house)  I planted these early last's funny because Grey now knows a good hasta when he sees one;)  We were at the zoo over the summer and instead of noticing the animals Grey says "look mommy - here are a bunch of hastas" and he was right - oh that kid...

And today looks like this
 we are under the weather...Grey has been fighting a cough and cold so we've been running the humidifier in his room and some over the counter cold medicine, but it wasn't getting any better and I was worried about his ears.  So I took him to quick care on Wednesday after school and he tested negative for strep but Dr. said it's a "throat infection" and his ears were starting to get red so it's a good thing I went.  He's on medicine now.  Then last night we had an ice cream social at our school so we went, but I could tell Sailor was a little off but she made it through.  But, then in the middle of the night she woke up coughing so I went in her room and I knew immediately she had a fever.  She ended up falling asleep and I didn't give her any motrin.  I kind of want her to burn this off on her own.  Her temp was about 101 this morning.  We are laying low today.  Hopefully this fever won't last long.
My poor babies today...

Grey wanted to take our picture...Sailie and I are snuggle buddies today....

Hopefully we will back up and running a little better next week...tomorrow is my birthday...I hope everyone is feeling a little better than today!

1 comment:

  1. our landscaping was supposed to be done two weeks ago...they haven't even started...I'm so jealous! It looks great!
