
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Beatin' this heat wave tonight...

Hot Hot Hot!  This heat is making my water bill go up;)  We just got new landscaping done so we've been watering like crazy and this heat doesn't help matters.  I hope all of our new plants make it.

One good thing is that we've gotten out of school early this week.  It's amazing how much work I can get done at school with that extra hour.

We've started our new schedules around here and everyone seems to be adjusting pretty well.  Nate's hasn't really changed.  Sailor is back with "grammy Annie" and papa Davey and Grey and I are out the door headed to school in the morning.

And since there's not much else to do in this heat, we headed to the pool tonight.  It was refreshing!
The minute I said "let's go swimming for a bit Grey"....I turned around and he had his shirt off and swim trunks on.  I really need to sign him up for a swim team.  He LOVES the water and he's learned so much this summer.  We picked up Livy and off we went!

Sailor on the other hand....she goes more for the look of a swimmer ;-)  My mom started calling her "the keeper of the first step"...that's her special spot in the pool.  No further!

the other kids don't mind either because then they make her get them all the toys -haha!  she's gettin' good at throwing the dive sticks in for them;)

 Some stunting off the board...

 She thought she stepped on something...

Sailor always tells me her legs are cold and then she makes me wrap her in this gigantic cracks me up...

Giuliana was there too tonight...

See what I mean - Look at her throw those dive sticks!  I guess while Grey was learning to dive, Sailie was learning to do this ;-)

Well, tomorrow is Friday.  I'm looking forward to a long, relaxing type of weekend.  Probably more of this and some grilling out.

In the meantime, we'll keep working on kisses with Giu Giu :-)  Because good lawwwddd those cheeks are yummy!

Have a good Labor Day weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Great pool pics :) We're in IL this week and I think it's hotter here than it was in SC!
