
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cutler Disappoints...

and even though the Bears got beat it was just another reason to get together and have a good time.  Nate and I started off at Sidetracks for the 1st quarter, but then left to go hang out with the whole fam.  We were ALL in our bears gear not to mention Nate has not shaved his mustache until today.  It's all gone now that the Bears are OUT!

These were obviously taken right before the game started....

We were sure hoping for a win.

So during the game "Urlacher" built some cool forts out of all his blankets...

Intense on the game

while this one was intense on his horsey

with a "cocktail" of course

Just being together is what it's all about...

Is this little boy in for it once the baby comes or what?  lol!

Boy, he just doesn't ever get enough kisses I tell ya...

Papa Davey was rooting against the Bears...he just wanted his Jets to win, which they didn't do much better.....that's what Davey gets for talkin' all his!

The game was still not over and we were still really hoping for a win....

Mommy and Grey (check out his faces)

Nate was not very happy at this point

and while we were all a little bummed about the game Dee Dee and Grey made a "choo choo train" out of the chairs......

and when it was all over with....the Bears had lost.....Nate was going a little nutty.....and I was enjoying a good ol' rootbeer float:)

Oh Well, maybe next year for the Bears!  But for now, it was a great Sunday spent together with the ones we love!  And nothin' beats that.