
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

15 weeks

How far along?  15 weeks and 2 days

Total weight gain?  Still a couple pounds or so

Baby Size?  Baby Ernat is the size of a navel orange-4.0 in. long and weighs about 2.5 oz.  The hair on baby's head is growing in.  Around the body, there's still fine hair (lanugo) to protect against being constantly exposed to the amniotic fluid.  Small blood vessels are forming under baby's thin skin.  Some babies even start to suck their thumb around this time.

Sleep?  It actually hasn't been too good for the past week.  I have been drinking a ton of water so I have to get up a lot to pee.  And I toss and turn all night long.  It's too early for this isn't it?!

Best moment this week?  The belly is growing.

Food cravings?  None really.  Everything tastes pretty good to me at this point:)

What I am looking forward to?  The kicks in my tummy

Gender?  Nope

What I miss?  All my energy

Pregnancy symptoms?  I am still getting some bloody noses and my sleep is becoming not so great, but I really can't complain.


  1. I can't believe your 15 weeks already. It seems like you just announced you were pregnant! And what a cute baby bump :)

  2. i thought the same thing! it's going really fast! you look adorable! and no, never too early for sleep interruptions. that's how i know to take a pg test...when i can't sleep and am up peeing. starts at 3-4 weeks for me, i swear.
