
Friday, January 7, 2011

Catch UP

this week....that's what we've been doing.  Getting back in the swing of things as far as work and home and so on.  As far as for Grey he has been the best dishwasher this week and the BEST EATER.  He goes from eating like a bird to eating anything and everything in sight.  I have been wondering if it's a growth spurt or something, but who knows?!

But seriously, if you pull up a chair, run the water, and give him a cup and a dish, he is occupied for the LONGEST time.  That is all he wants to do.  As soon as he comes in the kitchen he pulls up a chair.

and eating, eating, eating........


  1. first off, dishwasher...excellent! Especially since you are lacking the almost most important appliance around..but hey I'm cool with the kid doing dishes! LOL Secondly Grey is such a little man. what a doll! Could you please call me soon and make him say excavator again :) 3rd...Cheerios (at least I think he was eating cheerios) rock. not only are they great tasting... they are great for your health. Cousin Mo is all about them. happy weekend

  2. Train him now! My mom doesn't have a dishwasher cause she said she had 3-too bad NONE of us ever wanted to do them!

    Lane does the same thing. The whole time we were home he never ate. Maybe one time a day and drank some milk. That's it! But right when we got back he started eating 3 big meals a day! I tell ya those boys. They're like camels-eat and eat to stock up and then don't eat for weeks. Not to mention drive their mommas crazy with their eating habits! :-)
