
Friday, July 12, 2013

Summer Schedules...

are the best!

Y, park, pool, home
Y, park, pool, home

And of course lots of fun thrown in between...this was just the other day at the park before we hit up the pool with friends...

 I can't get enough of Sister in her new suit (it's a one piece and then a skirt to go over it)...Uncle Just sent it all the way from Hawaii for her birthday:))  We had gold sandals to go with it but a certain puppy named Guinness chewed on them and broke the zipper:((

She's all about pushing these days...

Check out my little blondie on the monkey bars...

So, there you have it...this is what our days look like around here (throw in a picnic lunch and we're good to go;)...and we are loving every minute of it...

Happy Friday!


  1. Perfect summer days! It's the best, isn't it?!

  2. Sounds like our summer days! (Except it's too hot here for the park!) :( Sailor's suit is adorable!
