Sailor you are 6 months old today, so happy half birthday sweet girl! This is by far one of my favorite ages.

As mentioned before you are 14lbs -25th percentile for weight and 80th for height. We just moved you to size 3 diapers because you were pooping out of the 2s but the 3s are still SOOO big. You are a dainty little thing with lashes to die for...
Your eyes still light up a room and are so very blue...
I LOVE to put bows and headpieces in your hair as you can clearly see...we rarely leave the house without our accessories. I am taking advantage now because I know you will be ripping them off in no time at all.
You are doing a million times better with tummy time and will stay and play with toys for much are also rolling over from back to belly and belly to back...However, NO sitting up yet...we need to work on that...
You are still an excellent little nurser and it looks like your two bottom teeth are getting ready to bust through...I can see that they are right there...
I have to say that you are kind of a mamas girl...You like to see me when others are holding you and you like to hear my voice..
You are always doing this with your like to bend it back and forth constantly - at first I thought it was weird but now I'm used to it - you might be double jointed there? Your daddy is too!
We can get you to make lots of faces at laugh, smile, squeal, babble, and DROOL! Did I mention you drool A LOT?!
and your tongue - well it's CONSTANTLY OUT...another thing we can't get just have it hanging out ALL the time...ha!
CHEW CHEW CHEW - another reason I know teeth are on the way...fingers are always in your mouth...
The main new thing this month is FOOD. We've started on veggies and a few fruits. So far you have had carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, peas, apples, and bananas. I was a little worried about the peas but you ate the whole thing. And along with your fruits and veggies you get oatmeal cereal. You always have that little mouth open and ready for a spoonful. You love your food!
You are so observant - you have been since day don't miss a trick...
I wish I could say you were sleeping through the night, but that is not the case. I have tried letting you 'cry it out' but I just can't handle that for very long and then I cave. You are still getting up 2 times but the last couple of nights it has only been once...I think it's time you sleep through the night, don't you?!
I put you in your saucer a lot these days and I feed you in your bumbo..for now that works instead of a high chair...You don't mind the bumbo - your brother NEVER liked it but you do fine in it!
You also love when we play peek-a-boo with get your belly laugh going and it's the best.
You have so many different faces little girl
You are also picking things up now with those little chubby you are with your new teething ladybug from Santa...this is definitely your friend right now:) I put it in the freezer at night and in the morning you love to chew on it.
Did I mention how pretty your lashes are;)
You are just pure joy little girl and I can't get enough of YOU!!!
And just for fun a comparison of my 2 babes at 6 months old. What do you think? Can you tell they are siblings?
She's so beautiful and sweet! Can't wait for my lil' baby, I'm totally itching!
ReplyDeleteI can't get over how beautiful she is! Happy 6 months, Sailor!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the sweet comments Em and Jackie.
ReplyDeleteWOW 6 months, already?! She's one gorgeous baby girl!