
Monday, May 20, 2013

Motherhood...I'm Their Person!

Mother's Day was spent with my family and all the important women in my life.  I know I'm such a better mom to my own children because of these special women.  I've NEVER known anything different than STRONG QUEEN women who 'run' the house!  But I say that of course with LOVE and in a very GOOD way.  The women in our families are powerful man...they know what's up and they always have a plan of action.  And now because of them, trust me when I say my little family knows that I'm the Queen here and there's not too much that gets past this mama;)

 i feel very blessed and I want my children to feel that as well...

Mom is one of my titles that has truly changed me.  My children are pieces of me and I want them to see the way Nate and I live and enjoy life.  I want them to know what truly matters and I'm confident enough that I can do this!  I'm their person!  Are days long, tough, and draining?  Absolutely!  It's hard to be a good mom and I'm always asking myself that same question - am I doing enough??  The worries are always there, but at the end of the day my children are happy and they are LOVED.  Ohhhhh are they loved!  They make my heart skip a beat.  It's overwhelming...believe me when I say all I want is for my children to be happy, noble, truthful, deep down good people....that's ALL right?(insert sarcasm)......and it's all up to me (and Nate of course too)...

 We were on our way to 'share the love' with Auntie Amy...(Grey brought her flowers) because it's important to show the people in your life you care (my little convo with Grey that morning centered around this topic:)

 The gifts from Livy to her mom....the card cracks me up - ha!

and this was the card from Livy's new pup (Chanel aka Nelly) to Grandma Joyce...haha!

 This is how we roll...

Saying our prayers before lunch...We were going to make the men say all 'wonderful' things about the women but we didn't ;)  Now thinking back....we should've followed through with it...

 I'm their person for sure and they better know i'm gonna be there for it ALL baby!  The good, the bad, and the ugly.....but at the end of each day I want them to know they are LOVED...

 This one didn't go as planned....sailor was having a melt down - Nate and I were trying not to laugh and Grey was in his own little world...

Gina and Giulianna

 Where would I be without these women?  Thank you to all of them.  They are truly such wonderful people inside and out.

 and these little girls we are raising...oh good lawd - they don't have a prayer & I say that with LOVE;)

Our moms around here are a special breed (they are happy to take in anyone)...I'm telling you....and please feel free to join the crew anytime you'd like... I promise you we are a good time:)

 And on that note I'll share some of this love...we told him to pick me up...don't know what happened:))

Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's out there!  It was a beautiful day and definitely one worth celebrating.
Thank you to my children for making me love deeper than I've ever thought possible....and keeping the child inside me alive...these two beautiful souls are mine forever and will always have my heart....they are my most precious gifts for sure...


  1. Happy Mother's Day Alicia! Your kiddos are lucky to have you :)

  2. Beautiful post...beautiful pictures! You are such a great mommy!
