
Friday, May 24, 2013

We be Chillin'...

Well it's Friday and I'm tired...Grey and I have 4 more days lefts of school and then it's sweet ol' summer time...I think I'll take that;)
 Lots of playing at the park for us this week...

Sister was dancing in her rainboots...I love this girl...

 Grey wanted on the baby swing for a me that didn't last too long...

Uncle Just was home this past week so we did a lot of 'enjoying'...

Is this a good uncle or what??!

Lovin' life and lovin' the swings...

We are still stocking the neighborhood pond...and let me tell you it's a miracle that these little fish make it into this pond alive;)  Some littles around here tend to want to squeeze them a little too tight;)
Sister was almost thrown in;)

Happy Friday!  We hope you enjoy your long weekend!


  1. Sailor looks like she is full of personality! Too cute!

  2. How funny is Sailor?! What a little ham...haha! So cute!
