
Friday, June 28, 2013

Ears are pierced...Check!

I've been dying to pierce my daughter's ears.  We went a little while back and she wanted NOTHING to do with it.  So I've been trying all week but getting 2 girls at Claire's was a little tough.  I knew for sure she'd never let them do one at a time.  So, finally today there were two girls working...Gina also came with Giuliana.  My mom treated both the girls with piercings and new earrings.  Thanks grammy Ann! 

I didn't even think she was gonna cry at was a delayed reaction...BUT then the tears came...

My job was to hold the cold cotton balls on her ears afterwards...

Next up was Giu Giu....

It wasn't funny but this picture  Giuliana didn't know what was coming....
Gina and I were both sweatin' this out...BELIEVE ME!

Actually it went better than I expected...Glad it's over and we are so glad we got to do it with our cousin!

Now sister and I can cross that one off the list;)  Still a longggg list of girly things we have to do together, but we are off to a good start:)

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. SO sweet! These pictures are priceless...two adorable little girlies!
