
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday Sweet Sailor!

Our sweet little angel girl is 2 years old today!

and we love her to pieces.
I say this at every stage but she's so funny right now.  Such a mimic!  We really have to 'watch' what we say in front of her because she repeats it-ha!

The biggest thing about you right now is your independence and strong willed personality.  It's your way or the highway.  You have to do everything yourself.  You try to get dressed yourself, put your shoes on, pick your bows out, take your diaper off, get your sippy cup, put your clothes in the laundry basket for me etc. etc....
Sometimes it makes me a little nervous because in the mornings you have already started to fight me a little bit on what you are going to wear.  You love to wear dresses though and are a total girly girl.  Every morning I get you dressed and then you lead me into the bathroom to do your hair.  You sit pretty good for me too while we decide your hairstyle for the day:)  You love to have your nails and toes painted and your favorite color is pink.  At least that's what you tell us;)  For the most part you know your colors.  (Nate and I laugh because it's a little different with the second one and education if you know what I mean. haha!)
 You love to be read to and your nursery rhyme board books are still your favorite.  Top two right now would be Say Say oh Playmate and Teddy Bear Teddy Bear.  According to you your favorite TV show is "Dura".....also known as Dora - we LOVE how you say it:)  But you NEVER sit and watch anything for too long.  I still rock you every night to bed.  It's my favorite time of the day.  We sit and rock and Grey sits on your couch in your room and we go over our day and what we did and the things we are thankful for.  It really is the best!  I think it's one of Grey's favorite times too:)
 You still LOVE to eat but are a TINY little thing.  We laugh a lot about this because we don't understand how a little thing like you can consume so much:)  I'm not even sure what you weigh these days.  We go to the doctor Monday for your two year check up.
 You absolutely ADORE your big brother Greyson but can definitely hold your own with him as well.  You don't back down for anything.  You two argue/bicker quite a bit just like siblings do but you love to do anything he is doing.
(Look at this picture...this was right as Greyson put his foot on the gas pedal....Sailor went flying back-haha!  Look out!)

You have this awesome spunkiness about you...I know you will do great things with that strong willed personality girl.  Another thing about you that we can never get over is your VOICE.  It kills me.  When I look at you I see this beautiful, little, blonde, blue eyed girl and then you talk and it's this DEEP, RASPY, STRONG voice. haha!  Hilarious!  I wouldn't change it for the world!
 You are getting more and more into the 'princesses'...Whenever we go to Grammy Ann's house you pull out the princess dresses and want to put them on.  You also love to grocery shop at home:)  You push your cart everywhere and gather things.  Sometimes dirty laundry;)  So, I check your grocery cart constantly.  And you NEVER leave the house without your purse.  NEVER!  And in that purse we can usually find your phone and a binkie.  Your two main necessities.  I'm thinking I need to 'break' you of the binkie soon, but I'm not worried about it.  It's your FAVORITE THING!
 You are such a daddy's girl...and let me tell have your daddy WRAPPED around your little finger.

 Along with all your spunkiness comes cautiousness.  That is one thing about never stray too far away from your daddy or I or whoever you're with.  And you don't 'dive' right into anything.  You have to know what it is, know what you're doing, know what it's about before moving forward.
 Sailor, you are intelligent, smart, funny, witty, sensitive, and beautiful all rolled into one.  You rock our world little girl!

I'm so thankful to have you Sailor and I look forward to so many mother/daughter things with you.  You and your brother are my most precious gifts.

Happy 2nd Birthday baby girl!  We love you to the moon!
