
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

School's out for Summer!

I love the fact that I still get a summer break.  It always makes me feel like a kid;)  The 'countdown' which begins in May is always exciting for me;)  How many days until summer?  Well for us it's here.  Last Friday, Grey and I had our last day of school. 

It's amazing how much my preschooler has grown.  At the beginning of the school year, there were many tears shed because of all the unknowns for Grey.  I know he felt overwhelmed.  But, this past Friday he was crying because he didn't want it to end.  He's had a really good first year of school, opened up a ton, and learned many new things.  And the best part for me was that I got to watch it happen. (Another benefit of my job.)  Every break I had I snuck down to his room just to peek in on him or say hi and he'd give me this big grin.  Everyday they went outside at a certain time and it was always during my Phonics time so I would purposely stand by my window facing the playground where I could see my son 'just play.'  Everyday when I walked my kids to lunch Grey would be walking down with his class and wait for me to greet him and take him home.  I'm so grateful for these things.  It really meant a lot to me and it helped me get through my first year back after my maternity leave with Sailor.  Grey doesn't know it, but he's the reason my year was so much easier.  It's like we did it together and everything turned out OK!  So, thank you Greyson!  You'll never know what it meant to me to have you there with me.

And so now, our summer begins, and my life with these two is in FULL swing... (Sidenote:  Currently Sailor insists on wearing my watch everyday...oh this girl of mine just cracks me up;)
Monkey see...Monkey do...

This was our last day of school...We had a 'Pirate' play day...

and a little 'loungin' on his sister...
Let the SUMMER fun begin!

Happy Tuesday!

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