
Thursday, September 29, 2011

3 months

Sailor Ann, you are 3 months old today!

You are getting so big soooo fast baby girl.

You are developing your own little personality more and more each day.  You have definitely found your hands which has been a big thing for you lately.  I have started to hold toys in front of you and you will occasionally grab at them.

You love to look at your hands and suck on them.  I still don't want you to be a thumb sucker but I'm waiting to see how that turns out.  You still are not crazy about the binkie.  You take it for maybe a minute and then spit it out.

YOu have really started to babble and coo more.  I need to get it on video.  Whenever we talk to you, the baby babble starts and WE LOVE IT!  I have also started putting you in the bumbo more, but you are not crazy about that either.

You LOVE to stare at your big brother and he can get some pretty big smiles out of you.

We have started to see a fussy side of you with sleep.  I will feed you, then rock you to sleep, but the minute I lay you down - you start to cry and it has taken me a LONG time to get you to calm down and to fall asleep.  YOu have also won the swaddle battle.  You were NOT liking the swaddle so that has stopped, but I still think you have a harder time falling asleep.  YOu usually are down by 8 for the night and then you get up at 12:30 and then again at about 5:30am.

Daddy calls you the queen B and loves to cuddle with you.

Another big thing is your tongue lately.  You love to stick that thing out and it's the cutest thing.  There has also been a lot of drool lately.  I've been wondering if you are going to be an early teether.  But still nothing yet.

You love to be layed down where you can kick like crazy and move those arms.  You have a certain cry for everything.  A tired cry, a hungry cry, a 'just put me down' cry...etc..I think I have them down pretty good for the most part.

Nursing is still going very good for both of us.  You still get up twice through the night to eat, which I'm hoping will change soon;)

You have also started to roll on your side. (this just started very recently) You go girl!

I am loving every minute with you Sailey Sue, but it just keeps going faster and faster this time around.  When I stop and think, it truly makes me a little sad just how fast our kids grow up.

Happy 3 months baby girl.  We love you!


  1. She's one gorgeous little girl! Happy 3 months Sailor!

  2. how super sweet!!! she is always dressed so super cute! :)
