
Friday, September 9, 2011

My 30th!

Yesterday, September 8, 2011, I celebrated my 30th birthday.  It was very special to me because
A.  I'm home.
B.  I was with my 2 babies.
and Nate joined us after work.

We really didn't do much.  We woke up, Nate left for work, and the three of us snuggled in bed like we do every morning.  While I layed in bed I received all my phone calls/texts wishing me a happy birthday and Grey liked it because he talked to all his grammy's on speaker phone-ha!  I got a work out in while Sailor slept and then all three of us got ready for the day.  We stopped at grandma Joyce and papa Hank's house where grandma Joyce greeted me with a birthday card and some money - always nice!  Thanks grandma!  I can always use that.  We visited, Grey played, and then we all came home and my 2 babes slept.

I made the mistake of telling Grey on Monday (I think) that we would make cupcakes for my birthday.  It was something fun for us to do together.  The only problem is that when you tell a 2 year old you're going to bake cupcakes he thinks it's going to happen that second.  I have myself to blame for this-(duh) and I teach kindergarten.  So everyday this week my lil' guy would ask "mommy, are we gonna bake cupcakes today?"  I kept telling him not until Thursday - (which he didn't have a clue) so they are fresh.  He really didn't mind but yesterday when he woke up from his nap and I told him we were going to bake - he was VERY excited.

So after nap, My mom and Auntie Mims came and visited us.  Auntie brought me THE sweetest card and a little treat to Starbucks.  I can't wait to go get a Pumpkin spice latte.  Yummm! 

 It was perfect timing because she was able to help us with our cupcakes.

We were ALL up and ready to bake.

Can you feel the excitement?!

I wanted to try the cupcakes with the ice cream cones.  I think they are too CUTE and perfect for kids.

Auntie Mims filled the cones and Grey placed them in just the right spot.

Sailor enjoyed the action as well.

and of course the best part was licking the bowl.

In between 'cooling' Nate greeted me with some more sweetness.

Then it was onto decorating, but first Grey and I shared one lil' bite.

and Nate made me a margarita so i REALLY enjoyed that.

Finished product.

After we finished decorating all the cupcakes Nate made us a steak dinner.  It was soooo good.  Thanks Nate!

And we ended the night with singing Happy Birthday and trying out our cupcakes!

So it is the end of one decade and onto the next.
I layed in bed last night thinking of all the things that happened in my 20s and they were ALL pretty big things.  I got my first REAL job (you can only lifeguard for so long-ha!), I got married, we bought a house, and i had my 2 babies.  WOW pretty big stuff and the most important stuff to boot.  30 has some big shoes to fill. 

But now I'm ready to see what 30 has in store.  SO, bring it on!


  1. and why can't we lifeguard forever!!? best job ever!!! hee. happy birthday girl! sounds like the perfect day to me!! -molly

  2. awe, that sounds like a perfect birthday! i love making those ice cream cone cupcakes ... too fun! happy 30!

  3. i made the same mistake that you did! I told Clayton we were going to Boggio's for my birthday and now he asks everyday if its my birthday yet:)
