
Monday, August 2, 2010

21 months....

That's right today marks 21 months with our little man..........However, Grey I do have to say you have started a little naughty phase!  I am always right on top of you with other kids for the moment because to be honest with you - (that's what this blog is for right - the real stuff)  I don't trust you!  hah!  You have started some mild hitting and pinching - I have responded with time outs immediately and just removing you from the situation and yet other times you are still the sweetest thing ever.  The biggest thing that has started over the last month or so is your vocabulary-OH MY GOSH!  You repeat everything you hear.  You try to say every word we say and it usually comes out pretty good.  I never said this before but at 19 months I was making jokes that we might have to have a speech pathologist come to our house because you were only saying "so" many words and yet I know that's very normal - it's just the teacher in me and being that I love our speech pathologist at my school soooooooooooooo much it's a good thing I ran into her at the grocery store - I had a few questions for her-lol!  Anyway, you still love to be around other kids (whether you're pulling hair or not -mainly Livy's blonde locks), this summer you have had NO fear with water and love to swim especially with your floaties on.  You are getting better with brushing your teeth and whenever I brush my teeth you ask for yours so that's good.  You currently take one nap a day usually from 1:00-4:00 -sometimes you go down about 12:30.  You still love when I rock you before naps and bedtime and so do I.  You usually go to bed around 7:30 and wake up at 7am!  You still go with the flow very much.  You make us laugh daily of course and light up our world to say the least.

You are still a pretty good eater and will still eat or "try" anything we give you, but I know that won't last forever but for now we take advantage of it and have you try new things all the time.  For example, last weekend you enjoyed some guacamole with chips.  Don't know if too many kids will eat that or not but you gobbled it up.  To say you love your cantaloupe would be an understatement.  I can still give you that everyday, anytime and you just LOVE it.  You also still love your books but only at bedtime when daddy reads to you.  You are BUSY BUSY BUSY and total BOY, but we love it and wouldn't want it any other way.

Here are just some recent pics of Grey and his 21 month old "bad" self......  This is his newest hobby -GOLF!  Grammy Deb picked him up his own set of clubs...

This sums you up for the summer Grey - a little fish

a little treading if you will

I love your chubby cheekers in this one.

There you go again with your golfing...

Just a cute little story with this picture that I'd thought I would share.  The other day Grey and I were at the pool and IVCH came and set up a little booth right by the pool about sun safety.  Well, to get kids over by them you could make a beaded necklace.  All the kids were making necklaces, so Grey and I decided to make him a cool dude anklet.  I told them to give me all the blue beads they had and green and yellow worked too!  So, here it is folks.....the "cool dude" anklet Grey got to wear for probably a whole 2 days!

We defitnitely didn't want people to think it was girly or anything on him.....that's not the look we were going for remember - it was supposed to be "cool dude" type anklet for the cool little 21 month old that he is!  hah!

Happy 21 months Grey!  We love you!

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