On Saturday's the Livster has soccer practice. So on Saturday, Nate was in a golf outing so I had to entertain a toddler all by myself and sometimes that can make for a long day. So, we thought we'd watch Livy play soccer.....According to Livy, she's the red and black team...lol! Grey was pretty good and at first I had to keep him from running out on the field by all the other kids. But, I took him to the play area and he was fine! Someday soon you will be able to play too Grey!
Grammy Joyce and Papa Hank were there too.
She's loaded with ALL the gear a girl could have even a pink soccer ball....
Then after soccer we pulled out the "gator" for a ride......I was laughing because Livy put a sign on the back of her John Deere - "bubbles - $3" or something like that....and she filled the back of her gator with bubbles. She was hoping someone would want to buy them but she hasn't had much luck yet...lol!

Enjoying a mid-morning cereal bar.
A nice Saturday mornin' it was.
Then it was break time for Grey and I so we headed for home for lunch and a nap. After lunch we headed to Target! I figured...well Nate's in a golf outing all day so I will do a little shopping-right!:))) Then after Target, Nate got home and we headed to the park for a picnic and some play time.

Nate showed Grey that he could climb a tree - don't know if that was good or bad.

Don't know who had more fun -Nate or Grey?

This was Grey while Nate climbed that tree

Oh and this was my buy at Target - $3 for this ring....love the clearance jewelry aisle.....:)

and of course playing with sticks because he knows he's NOT supposed to

We stayed at the park for a while on Saturday evening....it was so nice in the shade and the breeze felt so good. But, then it was home for tubby time, book time, and bed time.......
What a good little fan...he's even dressed in team colors!
ReplyDeleteI was wondering when soccer would come to the IL val, is it big yet? or just for the young kiddo's...ps craig thinks nate is cool for climbing the tree...oh the boys! Love your nails btw! r those yours. Lookin good and the ring of course
ReplyDeletelol at bubbles for $3!! future business woman!
ReplyDeleteThanks girls! D, I went and had my nails done....I had that urge....you know when I get that....I have been going to Hollywood though and Jimmy has done them the last few times and I love them....they do a way better job than Lee nails.....