
Friday, August 20, 2010

Last Drops of Summer

that's what this post encompasses.....the very last drops of my summer.  The sweet smell of chlorine and hanging out with my favorite little bud every single day. 

And so it's true my summer has come to an end and TODAY is my very first day of school.  I will be calling home about a million times.  hah!  I spent the most part of last night doing lesson plans after I put my buddy down for the night.  Then, I thought I really needed to blog because it felt like forever since I was on here even though it's only been a couple days. 

So, as I say goodbye to a great summer I wanted to savor the last drops of it, such as hanging outside at all costs in a tiny little chair with a front of my pretty flowers. 

making sure to thank Auntie Kathy for buying me this adorable little chair to sit outside in.

playing in my backyard in my car.

hanging out in my pool even if it is an empty pool...

getting in some last days at the pool before all the lifeguards head back to "learn" something for the school year.

doing some "Last" minute jumps off the side

tossing the splash ball around a bit of course.

Ahhhhh!  need I say more.

feelin' that water on your face.

feelin' out more jumps off the side.

getting in some "last" throws in from your dad.

hangin' out on your dad's shoulders

oh yes...these were my sweet last drops of summer.

sipping on a juice box in the heat soakin' wet

and of course the "little" things that always come about when there are littles around....Like playing in a water fountain can be so much fun

especially when one thinks it's so cool to try and catch that water in your mouth

yep that's just what I did...soaked up every last drop of it...

with pure joy and excitement as I watched my little boy grow so much over this sweet summer and learn, learn, learn.....that he did!

and pranced around......that he did too!

And although, the hot weather sure is not over.....I look forward to the changing seasons, where the leaves change colors, my little boy grows taller, bon fires are upon us, bobbing for apples is the thing to do, and ghosts and goblins are on their way.  I can't wait!  And in the midst of all that my little boy will turn 2 and he'll be walkin' the streets one night in something cute that I have not yet decided on-lol!  And all this will be going on and I will try my best to take it all in because time flies when you're havin' fun-right?!  IT's the little things that have made my summer and most importantly it's the SIMPLE things that have made my summer such as snuggling in the morning with Grey, watching Mickey Mouse, eating breakfast together, going to the park and pool, visiting with grandmas and grandpas have given me pure joy this sweet summer.  So, now I am soaking up every last drop of it and yet ready for what's to come.
See you next all comes again and again and we're always ready for the next step.
Happy Friday Everybody!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you took it in...sure did go fast. I'm still lovin' summer, but I won't mind when fall arrives either.
