It's called golf. Nate does it, so of course now Grey does! Nate has his own set of clubs, so Grey has his own set of clubs.

But before work, there's always play and this particular day called for slides and sand.

When play time was over, it was time for some serious hitting of golf balls.

But not until mommy gets her pictures in just the way she wants them.

The sun was about to set, the golf clubs were ready, the camera was out, and they were both busy practicing....

Break time came early for one of them...

talking about the rules of the!

Getting the ball you go Grey.

Well, where did the ball go, we have to find it...

Watch me dad...

and then many times mommy asks for a picture and that proves to be difficult because a certain someone just does not want his picture taken

but you keep trying and even turn him upside down to see if that will work....

but it still proves to be a tad bit hard somedays...

so then they keep on walkin'

and they might even stop to look at a little tree growing or maybe mommy told them to sit behind it for a photo op - either way it works

look at that little guy in that great big field

and then you try to hand the camera over to daddy so that mommy can be in some pics too...

this time we try spinning...

and tossing up in the air to get some pics....

it kinda worked...

love you little man...

Love these photos, you captured such great memories! Your little one is such a doll!