
Saturday, July 31, 2010

It's the little moments....

that I love with my little man.  It's the time when he doesn't know I'm watching him but could just stare for hours in awe of him.  I just never knew I could LOVE somebody this much.  He's the coolest little dude and all I ever think of him is  -he is so incredibly awesome!  He just makes life soooooooo much much more to live for because of him......this special little guy that I get to wake up to every morning..........I get to take care of in every possible way.......God is good!

And yet I just can't believe how fast he's growing.  My parents magazine must have gotten to me today-lol!  There was an article about all the transitions your toddler will go through from ages 2-4, such as "ditching" the "binkie" (yeah right-hah!)-I just can't see this in our near future.  (according to mag- you have until 3 years of age)  Climbing out of the crib (just typing that makes me cringe).  I really hope Grey stays in his crib until he's ready to go to kindergarten.  lol!  Potty training...the only thing Greyson is telling me now as of 21 months of life - is boo boo butt mommy when he has poop.  We have him paranoid that he will get a boo boo butt with poop, so it's his job to tell us.  He's definitely getting closer though and more curious about it......instead for now he flushes the toilet over and over again.  Just for 2's and Preschool was another transition.  It's just a lot to take in - I mean my baby is just a "baby" - i should not even be thinking about this stuff......but I have to because some of it is upon me :(((  Of course I want my little boy to have wings....BIG just makes me sad sometimes to think about all of it. 

It's the little moments that I'll never soft kisses

and walks to the lake on summer evenings just as the sun is about to set

and can never get enough hugs!

Oh I Love You Greyson Lee!

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