
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Lake Wildwood

It was a picnic and pool kinda day.  The kind where sunscreen was flowing mad, the sweet scent of tanning oil was in the air, and there were enough floaties for a tiny army.  We brought out a picnic basket with us and cute cups and some lemons of course to garnish our drinks.  Hey we love to be total girly girls - except for Grey of course.  We had lots of fun.  I ran to K-mart on Tuesday to buy Grey some floaties and I ended up coming home with about 3 different things to try.  It was all clearanced, otherwise I would have never gotten all of it.

So that's right we headed to Lake Wildwood yesterday to spend some time splashin' around and keepin' cool.  Nate's parents have some property out there and it really is beautiful and we have NOT used it that much this year so we're startin' now!  Greyson had a ball to say the least.  And let's just say there was NO WAY he was going to sink yesterday in that pool-lol!  Here are the pics from our perfect Summer day!

Mary and Mims in the park for our picnic

Grammy and Grey

Me, myself and I just enjoying some sweet watermelon


Grey enjoying some lunch before we hit up the pool

This was Grey's get-up.....Nate could not believe that I let him run around the pool like this
I just thought I didn't want to keep taking everything OFF so why not put it ALL on....hah!  IT. WAS. HILARIOUS!

Skinny Minny at the pool

and he's off!

Mary was showing her stuff off the side of the pool

Then Mims gave it a try

he was so happy ALL day....

a little back float if you will

Kisses from my love

and we ended our day with some swimming lessons from Grammy Dee Dee

Grey did really good and we did not get home until about 3:30 - Grey fell asleep within 5 minutes of getting in the car and he transitioned from the carseat to his crib without even opening his eyes.  He slept until about 5:30 but then I had to wake him up because I was worried he wouldn't sleep last night, but he did fine.

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