
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Summer Days and Summer Nights...

are the best!  Especially the ones that start out with a family morning walk.  The ones where you give your little dude a popscicle, but then decide that it will be much better if mommy and daddy walk with one too!  The days where you start off at the park but then a certain grammy Ann gives you a call and says the neighbors are gone and gave us a key to their pool!  Well of course we'll say yes to that because it's only 10:00am and it feels like 90 degrees out so we say we'll be right over.  So, we cut our morning walk short and head for home where are beloved floaties are!  Oh yes still the days I love where my little guy only has to hear the word pool and decides that he needs his floaties on for much more than just swimming of course.  Why not eat a cupcake with floaties on too?  Right!  And of course after swimming in the heat, there is nothing better than coming home with a sunkissed baby boy smelling of sunscreen and putting him down for his nap.  Oh I love these days!  And then daddy has to go to work at the bar so mommy and Grey head to church but then end our night with meeting the whole family at sidetracks where daddy is, because on a Saturday night at 6pm we OWN the bar!  Oh yeah that's right...and of course a summer night with the ones you love is not complete without ending at the boat club - that is when daddy gets off work which wasn't until 7pm which is a little late for a certain "someone" to eat especially when you want to have cocktails first :) but he managed......they are just the best days when nothing is really planned but yet seem so filled...

So with all that said here are the pics from that day.....summer days and summer nights are truly the best!

Enjoying his popsicle on our walk...

a little slide action with the popsicle of course

Then it was home to get ready for swim time....and of course the floaties had to go on right away

Visiting daddy at the bar with a kitty cocktail

daddy was working hard....

Papa Davey showin' me the ropes....

Livy Lou joined us's always better when you have your bud there with you...Livy was swimming all day too!

walkin' around

climbin' bar stools...

and playin' the games...hah!

He kept going behind the bar where Nate was......see when you OWN the bar at this time of can do that...jk! sort of!

We got back from St. Louis yesterday so today has been catch up time for Grey and I.  You know Target run and grocery store run.  We were only gone for 4 days but you forget all the stuff you do on a daily basis.  We had a lot of fun and were on the go constantly so it feels good to be back on our routine!  I ONLY took about 500 pics so you can imagine how long it's going to take me to upload them and edit them.  I am hoping to do it tonight when Grey goes down, but all of these pics are really starting to SLOW up my computer.  Nate's gonna have to do something fast here!

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