
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sparklers and a Cupcake...

I felt bad that Grey did not see any fireworks this year.  SO, last night after supper we had to make a Target run and they had sparklers clearanced out -so sparklers it was!  We brought them home, gave Grey a cupcake, and headed out to light them up.

Grey thoroughly enjoyed his cupcake

but honestly could have cared less about the!

Nate had a hard time lighting it up....but Grey was all eyes with the lighter - good thing it's child-proof

he wanted to give me a bite more than he wanted to watch the sparklers

and just a "look back" again at Grey last year on the 4th because these crack me up....he looked like such a little chubber... July 4th, 2009

and now this....."time" goes too fast --July 4th, 2010

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