
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

It was ONE of those Nights

where you said you could not eat another bite, but then you end up going for pizza and finishing off a WHOLE pizza with your hubby and son! - Bianchi's people - love it!  It was one of those nights where you knew you needed to get your little out of the house because he had been inside all day.  It was one of those nights where the wife said let's all still be patriotic - it's only July 5th so we all dressed in red, white, and blue - hey you never know when a cute photo opportunity will was one of those nights where we were done eating way too early so we still needed to entertain "someone".  It was one of those nights where we decided to take a stroll along the riverwalk and of course it was one of those nights where I pulled out my camera to take some pics.  Maybe I wanted to catch some of those moments I never want to forget.  Maybe I wanted to catch some moments of us being patriotic.  Maybe I wanted to just take pics of my baby boy.  Whatever the reason was here it is for you to see.

My hubby took this one of me....he thinks his photography skills are better than!  I like to see the mommy sometimes (on other blogs I read) who is behind all this writing and who is always taking the here I am people -hah!

Grey was good and liked watching the boats go by

He also liked waving at every boat that went by

And although I don't have an actual picture of it he liked picking up the "arbage" that was laying around to and throwing it away - imagine that?!

And although the riverwalk was cool and so were the boats... we found a slide and that made the river look like nothin'

So it was a good night to get out, eat some pizza, entertain a toddler until he was all sweaty and tired and then home for bath, books, and bed!

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