
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What's been going on?

Well it's only Wednesday but I feel kinda blah....blah - like not much has been going on.  I feel like I haven't been up to par with my blogging and I am surprised I haven't heard about it yet -hah!  Grey and I have been taking advantage of swimming this week a lot more than we usually do.  I usually like to give us a break from the sun but we have hit up the pool everyday so far and today we are heading to Lake Wildwood with grammy Deb and Auntie Mims.  We have been enjoying our meals together -lol and daily routines together and we have been trying a new "do" just to switch it up of course - you know I like to do that from time to time-  Our summer schedule consists of snuggling together in bed until about 7:30 (I know doesn't that sound nice) then we get up and Grey always hands me all the pillows to make the bed....then we eat breakfast together and "pick up" anything I missed the night before.  Then grammy Dee Dee comes over about 9am and I head to the Y and Grey and grammy go bummin' for about an hour and a half.  Then I return Grey and I play and either go to arts and crafts or swimming and of course eat lunch in there somewhere.  After swim or wherever we've been it's then nap time (my sanity break time-ahhhhhh)  My time to pick up, do laundry, and decide what's for supper.  See, it's ALL so very clear why I'm such a happier person in the summer-isn't it?! hah!  It's because I get to spend everyday like this.  And sadly, reality is creeping up much faster than I'd like.  But we definitely DO NOT want to think about that.  So, instead I'll just take you through some of our meals and new "do".....that's much better anyway than reality-lol!  I hope all of you are having a good week and not feeling blah like me.

This is what breakfast usually looks like - Grey enjoying a nice bowl of milk and Cheerios...with some major bedhead

more like playing with them-huh?

then after breakfast we like to do our hair so that he's all ready for grammy and his morning bummin' around.  This is our new "do" - a mohawk if you will - hey you're only little once - so why not switch it up when you can look cute with just about anything...(grammy Ann started the mohawk)

Then this is what lunch looks like-hah!  This was yesterday - some fresh turkey, cheese and crackers and we are good to go.  See he was ready for the pool because right after lunch we were out the door.  You have to get to the pool early for a good lounge chair and good spot of course!  This was last year's  swim shirt and it still kinda fit- Grey was showing off his belly yesterday just a bit...

we had the water shoes on and everything because when you are a little maniac like Grey at the pool you don't want any falling on that slippery wet concrete 

So much for a "wordless wednesday" huh?


  1. The mohawk and bed head are both adorable...I can't decide which I find cuter! He really has the best hair ever! LOVE it!

  2. i agree - love the hair! i think we'll be at the lasalle pool tomorrow for tot hour if you and grey are looking for something. ;)

  3. I will make it three! I love the hair and I must say in that last pic before the Grey eating cheerios pic he is looking like Nate. I see both, but definitely nate in that pic. I love to see how they grow and show different looks of mom and dad! Too cute. And don't worry leesh Ive had a little bit of blah week too. Sometimes it isn't a bad thing! luv ya!
