
Monday, July 5, 2010

Fun Filled 4th of July!

We had a very busy and fun holiday weekend.  It seemed as though starting Friday I was putting Grey down for his nap and then waking him up because we had to be somewhere.  I think he felt it yesterday too...I think we ALL did.  It felt like I hit a wall last night.  We kicked off the holiday weekend at my moms on Friday and Georgia, Adam, and Jayne drove up from St. Louis and Nate's family was having a big family reunion so he had family from all over as well, which just made it all the better.  It was so nice to see everyone.

Some of the lil' firecrackers in the neighborhood...

Jayne and her daddy

It was extremely difficult to get Greyson in any of these pics because he was too busy running around

Jayne was showing us "patty cake"

Then it was onto Deb's house for cocktail hour and some Garzanelli's-yum - check out my harley dude on his papa's ride!

This is Auntie Mims cousin - Miranda.  She flew in with her family from Colorado.

Den was trying to watch Grey....

These are Debby's two back is Aunt Diana and on the left is Aunt Donna - Diana came down from Chicago and Donna flew in from California --very nice get together

These 3 girls have the same birthday - this is Shell on the right who is Miranda's mom on the left.  Three cuties!

I have to tell you Deb took this pic - a little dark Deb - hah!

This is Donna with her son Lance and husband Larry.

And while I took pics Grey decided to work on his shoveling skills

And then on Saturday we had Nate's family reunion in Oglesby.  I had everything ready to go - Grey's swim bag, diaper bag, toys, my camera bag - you moms know the drill.  Well, we get there and I go to start taking some pics and I forgot to put my camera card back in my camera - duh!  So, I don't have any pics from Saturday other than before Nate and I hit up waterstreet!  Yes, grammy Deb and Papa Davey offered to come over and watch Grey for a bit (it was easy though he was well on his way to dreamland even before they got there) so Deb took our pic before we left...

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