
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th of July contd.

On the actual 4th Deb had Mimi's graduation party. She thought since everyone was going to be in town - what the heck?! So, yes I do remember telling you this girl did end up graduating-lol! These were her invites that I made for her - they turned out great!

and yes this is the same girl on the day of her party! - lol! (a little too much beer pong) - Look OUT she could be your nurse someday!

It was so flippin' HOT so the kiddos cooled off in the pool.

Can't you just taste the summer?

Then it was onto a little game of beer pong by request of Mimi Lou...Nate's cousin Nick was my partner - this would be Aunt Donna's other son...from California.  He was coming up with a strategy - I however just drank my beer...hah!

Aunt Donna watched the whole tournament.

Then Mims and I teamed up for the finale

This is Nick's wife Joann - she's a teacher too and we think they are "trying" to have a little was great because Joann entertained Grey while I played beer pong....Grey loved her!

Back to business

while Grey sipped on some root beer and chomped on a chicken it!

Mims and I lost to the two brothers after some overtime that is...

Here's the hostess and her daughter...

Grey was DONE by this time can't you tell....the tournament was over and it was time to GO home!

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