We all scream for ice cream.
In the front yard.
In our diaper.
After throwing a tantrum.
You see a special little man that's extremely close to my heart is Mr. Independent these days. So, it was a night that mommy said was a night for an ice cream break, however mommy thinks that every night should be an ice cream kinda night. Well, when you add in a tired baby with a short nap that day, the heat, wanting to eat his ice cream outiside, in a cone, all by himself, there are bound to be some setbacks. Let's start from the beginning. So, we all get in the car and we are happy, smiling, and "dreaming" of our ice cream. Well, we get there and I order Grey a baby twist cone (my bad in 95 degree heat) and the minute the lady handed it to me Grey wanted to hold it all by myself, but he was NOT licking it, he was just holding it so it was melting all over the place. So, I tell Nate to take the cone from him while I go ask for a bowl to put it in. Let me tell you, you would have thought I cut Greyson's arm off.....starts screaming, throws himself to the ground, everyone is staring at us. So, what do we do ........make a mad DASH and get the heck out of there...Grey cried the whole way home. Then once we calmed him down - he was given his bowl and literally "drank" his ice cream......There was no need for a spoon by this time...So, we sat out on our front steps like any parents would do and watched with enjoyment as our little boy ate up all his ice cream and made a complete mess!

Not too many people could pull this off!

Who could resist this!? I mean everyone that drove by waved to Greyson-lol!

I was still enjoying my ice cream as well and loved my view of the little stinker running in the front yard full of ice cream running down his belly!

Mr. Serious at the time...

Something made me laugh but I can't remember what it was...

Messy Messy yummy ice cream on a hot summer night.

Heart to heart...

After the ice cream was all gone....you can only imagine what we did next!? TUBBY TIME!
lmao!!! That was awesome. I would have thrown a tantrum too if you took my ice cream away :-) just kidding...sort of.