
Friday, August 7, 2009

One more cut through...

and I feel bad because I didn't even know it. That is how good my baby is. I have to brag here because I really don't know what a cranky baby is. I mean of course Greyson has his moments just like every other single baby when he is a bit crabby. However, pretty much the only time Grey is crabby is when he is tired and I know he needs a nap.

So back to my post...Today we had to run to Home Depot and I was checking out and I couldn't help but notice that Grey kept tugging at his ear. He would not stop. I immediately thought -oh no...ear infection...but it wasn't red or anything and we had just been to the doctor like a day ago and Dr. Running said how good his ears looked...then when we got home i noticed a slight little rash on his face...i was getting his lunch ready and i decided to stick my finger in his mouth to feel around and sure enough right on the top -to the right (his right) a tooth had cut through. So, then I felt really bad and I did give him some Motrin because he was really tugging at that right ear. And come to think of it he has not been sleeping too great but I kinda thought it was a growth spurt or something.

So, now the G-man has a total of three teeth....

So, Grey just so you know when you are reading this someday at 9 months of age you currently have three teeth...woohoo!

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