
Sunday, August 2, 2009

Happy 9 Months Grey.......

Hip Hip Hooray I'm 9 months old Today!

The profile

Those chubby little sausages that I love

I have heard various people around me talk about the whole bit---Can you imagine what your life was like without him/her?????? I never really understood that whole concept until Greyson...Now, I can definitely understand when people say that because we can't......most definitely CANNOT imagine our lives without Grey!!!!
There is nothing better than being able to give a good life to a child especially one that you have created. It's the best feeling in the world. I absolutely love being a mom...I love knowing that Greyson really needs me...I love knowing that at times he only wants ME nobody else just ME...I love going into his room in the morning and seeing the biggest toothy smile you could ever imagine...I love the squeals he does before every tubby...I love the way he follows Nate around everywhere when he gets home from work...I love his chubby little feet (they look like stuffed sausages)...I love the way he smells...I love his hair...I love when he's tired and he nuzzles his head into my neck/shoulder...I love playing with him....I love watching him learn new things...I love teaching him new things...I love watching him with his grandma's, grandpa's, and his aunts and uncles...I love the piggy face he does and his new surprised expression...I love rocking him to sleep and the way he pats my cheek...I love reading 'Goodnight Moon' to him before bedtime (it's a classic)...I love his big blue eyes...
His "tricks" at Nine months
  • army crawls everywhere
  • pulls himself up on anything and everything

  • walks along things
  • says mamamamama

  • and bababababa

  • understands "NO" (he hears it a lot)

  • extremely nosy

  • notices everything

  • loves my cell phone
  • likes gadgets

  • likes to scrunch up his nose like a piggy and snorts too

  • loves to play "I'm gonna get you"

  • loves to be around other little kids
  • he holds his own bottle for the most part

  • loves to mimic you (especially faces)

  • thinks great grandpa Hank is the next best thing since chicken noodle soup because he feeds him anything and everything (I mean the other day he fed my kid sauerkraut and Grey didn't even make a face or bat an eye-lol!)

  • is super out-going and has the best personality -(very layed back)

  • nods his head back and forth like he's saying NO

  • blows raspberries like it's nobody's business

Greyson we love you more than you will ever know---I guess that comes with the territory of parenting----You are a complete joy to be around and all you ever do is bring smiles to those around you...Greyson is currently 28 1/2 in. long and weighs about 21lbs. Happy 9 months little man!!!!

*BEWARE* Going on a little OPRAH SIDENOTE here*

One day last week she had on some popular country singers such as...Sugarland, Kenny Chesney, Carrie Underwood, and Darius Rucker...
I happened to get all teary eyed because Darius Rucker performed his hit single titled It won't be like this for long...It makes all the sense in the world of course and is so true. So, if you haven't heard it click on my link to listen to it (turn up your volume) Even if you're not a country fan you should listen to it...

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