
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Uncle Just is home...

for a short visit...and we needed a "doctor's" opinion. Auntie Mims is suffering from a slight sore throat. According to Uncle Just he did happen to see some white, we steered clear of her...
Uncle Just came into town last night and so we went to visit him down at granny deb's and papa davey's house. His "hospital" schedule is about to turn quite hectic so he thought he should get home while he can...
The examination...

the throat...

Kevin and Grey (Auntie Mims boyfriend)

Then while granny Deb was cleaning up the kitchen (I was helping again by climbing the dishwasher) but everyone else decided to try and see who could throw grapes up in the air and catch them in their mouth...don't ask me why I just work here
Here's papa trying to get one in Mimi's mouth...oh boy!

Papa tried to catch one---look at his mouth...I think he missed

Kevin trying to throw one into Mimi's mouth (Kevin was the best at it...if truth be known) Again, I have no idea why they started to do this, but hey it was interesting none the less...

Then after dinner granny needed some help moving some appliances around at the "new" house, so we headed up there...Now what was I to do??? I was not about to just sit there while the guys moved appliances, so Kevin pulled up one of these old chairs that has wheels on it (granny wants to get rid of them). He put me in there and pushed me around the driveway...I loved it! Good job Kevin...

Look! I just sat there...can you believe it?

Faster buddy

and again

I was all sprawled(sp?) out...

Then auntie pushed

and again

Then Kevin pushed the three of us (that goofy auntie)

Okay ride's over kid....I'm tired now

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