
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

He made his way up onto the trampoline...

and all he wanted to do was chew on the handle bars!

Last night the three of us were downstairs playing and Grey decided to try and get onto that trampoline he thinks is so cool. ( So I have some footage for you...Pretty uneventful but just thought I would share his beginning "jumpy" skills with you...

Sidenote - We took Grey to the doctor yesterday for his 9 month check up with Dr. Running. Everything looks good and Grey is on target with all his skills (better referred to as his "tricks"). However, I was a little teeny tiny bit off with his height and weight. He actually weighed a little less at her office. He is 20lbs and 5oz-so, very close to 21 and he is 28in. long. And it made it a whole lot better that our little man did not have to get any shots. None of those nasty shots until he is a whole year old!

1 comment:

  1. Love that trampoline! Looks really fun...especially when he has the hang of it! P.S Grey weighs more than Lane...he was a little less than 20 at his one year on Monday.
