
Friday, October 2, 2009

Happy 11 Months Love!

Greyson is exactly 11 months old today!

You will always know when Greyson has been "there" and done "that" because he leaves his own little "marks"
Such as raiding mommy's cupboards and taking everything out...The cupboards used to be organized but everyday Greyson takes them apart.....I know, I know I still need to child proof them!

We bought Grey a little football the other night and last night Nate and Grey were playing catch and it was really cute because every time we would give him the football or every time Grey "caught" the football he would put his hands up to say touchdown...


and "touchdown" again a little clearer this time...

Happy 11 months Grey! You are the love of our lives...we are so blessed and we love you!

And here are just a few video clips for you....some giggles from Grey....some Mr. Cheese...and some "this little piggy went to the market"...

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