
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Halloween Secret is OUT...

Grey is the cutest little lion for his first Halloween! I can officially post Grey now in his costume being that it is totally Halloween time now and because of the fact I had to write about his first parade. (LOL)

Yesterday was the Peru Halloween Parade. I used to walk in this when I was a kid, so we had to bring Grey in it too. Livy came with us and she was a proud pretty Peacock. She even won a prize...She got 2 whole dollars for her costume. She was the only peacock there! Grey was kinda tired but he did really good! It is pretty hilarious to see him in this costume in person....IT is sooooooooooooooooooo stinkin' cute! He looked ADORABLE! I took a "gazillion" pics, but here are a few...

"the lion and the peacock"

The sweetest cutest little lion

A lion on the move

Abbie and Bob Burris's kids were there also....Abbie used to walk with me in this parade when we were kids so it was kinda cool to have our own kids in it now...

Ella was Little Bo Beep and Brody was the "sheep"
Here's the cute are they?

And again

This was Nate's favorite costume...go figure


Grammy Joyce

Aunt Amy and Livy (just so you know Aunt Amy made Livy's costume from "scratch") what can we say that Aunt Amy is pretty talented