
Monday, October 12, 2009

When it rains...It POURS...

  • Yes. I have a sick baby.
  • Yes. It has been five days.
  • Yes. This is the first time he has been sick.
  • Yes. I have been puked on now.
  • Yes. I have had poop all over me and the bed sheets.
  • Yes. Grey might be feeling a little better today.
  • NO. We have not gotten any sleep. All three of us for that matter.
  • NO. We have not left the house.

Greyson is still under the weather. This morning I asked Nate if he minded if I worked out for a quick 30 minutes while he stayed upstairs with Grey. Well, I was about 10 minutes into it and the basement door opens and I hear a very HURT kind of cry. Greyson had taken a couple steps and totally biffed(SP?) it.

  • Yes. His eye was bleeding.
  • Yes. I panicked.
  • Yes. I yelled at Nate at first reaction (I know it could have been with me too).
  • Yes. Nate felt absolutely terrible.
  • Yes. He is going to have a very BIG shiner.
  • Yes. Grey was screaming but only for a minute.
  • No. He would not let me put him down after that.
  • No. He would not let us touch it at all.

So, Greyson these are not some "firsts" of yours that I am very fond of but I have to document them. This has been your very "first" sick time and now your very "first" big shiner.

My poor little guy is kinda in rough shape but he is hanging in there.

Grey had a fever of 102 last night at 9pm, but he has not had motrin since. So, I hope the fever stays away. Now, I have to work on getting his appetite back.


  1. WOW Grey, Grammy Ann is sooo happy this happened on poor Daddy's watch and not mine. Your Mommy and Daddy have been taking such good care of you. They are both sooo tired. My poor little man this has been a rough week for you. You are a little unsteady on those little legs after this nasty bug you caught. Grammy Ann will give you lots of kisses to make it all better! GET WELL SOON! I want you back into everything! XXXOOO

  2. I hope Grey is back to himself soon!! Feel better!

  3. Poor little guy! I've only had the pukes with Charlie once and it sucked...hang in there!

  4. oh man...i hate when they're sick! i hope he feels better soon! that is quite the shiner - what a bruiser!

  5. Thanks everybody for the comments. I think we are on the road to recovery.
