
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

We keep him busy.....

The other day Nate had to go cut grass for his parents neighbor Shirley. He has been cutting her grass since he was like 10 years old. So, it was such a nice day that Grey and I decided to go watch. Well, Nate put Grey on the riding lawn mower and he LOVED it! He just loves tractors and "stuff" like that!

He knows right where to put those hands...right on the steering wheel!

And he thought the "blower" was the coolest thing since chicken noodle soup~! He was a busy boy! We better prepare him early because he is going to have a lot of grass to cut someday for grammy and papa Ernat out at the "property."

*Sidenote* Greyson at 11 months has started to take a couple steps. He is by NO means walking....but he is really starting to let go of things and stand and he will let go and go from the coffee table to the couch (those are the two steps he takes and then he belly flops) So hopefully he will start doing more and more....But, we don't even think he knows what he's doing! Nate and I get really really really excited and cheer for him and he just looks at us like we're crazy....I guess you would too-huh?!?!? lol!

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