
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tribute Part 2...20 Week Ultrasound...

This was our 20 week ultrasound. This was June 24th 2008. I remember this day so well. First of all, I had a full bladder for this ultrasound and I think I had to wait almost an hour. They were running behind with something at the hospital and I was having a fit! Yes I stomach was absolutely killing me. I have never had to pee soooooooooooooooo bad in my life.

I wanted everything to go perfect so I drank soooooooooooooooooooooo much water all morning. Then when we got to the hospital it did not go as planned....But, does it ever? However, one good thing was that since I had to wait so long...the ultrasound tech took a lot of 3D pics of our baby...they felt bad...

We found out we were havin' a BOY! We were thrilled!

There's our peanut on the screen...

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  1. omg - i don't think i'll ever forget the pee pain they put you thru!!! i swear it's comparable to labor! good thing they both have fantastic endings!

  2. Yes Molly right!?!?!? Pee pain is the worst!

  3. Same here...I drank soooo much water and then had to just wait...awful!!! Too funny we all went through it!
