
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Up to a little mischief these days...

What's been going on?!?!?!?

Recently Greyson has decided:
  • to Wake up a lot in the middle of the night since being sick
  • to spit out his food as I am feeding him
  • to stand up in his high chair and sometimes wants no part of it (well that is not going to fly....he HAS to sit in that chair in order to eat)
  • to throw some fits along the way if he does not get his way
  • to start taking steps....lots of steps...

This is what has been going on in my world with Grey! Don't know why some of these things have started (lol). This high chair thing is really throwing me off. Even though the little bugger is up to a little mischief we love him to bits!

PS Grey - Let's get back to normal and start sleeping through the night or even just getting up once! (lol) Love you!

1 comment:

  1. i'm assuming some of these things are starting cuz he's about to walk! they always get all out of wack before they hit milestones!! hope it's short lived!
