
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

13 weeks

pictures taken Monday, 12/27/10 after visiting the doctor

How Far along?  13 weeks....already in my 2nd Trimester...crazy!

Total weight gain?  I went to the doctor yesterday - 12/27/10 and I have gained 2 pounds

Baby Size?  2.9 in. and the size of a peach.  Baby's body will start to catch up and grow more proportional to the head.  Baby's motor skills are starting to work.  The baby is able to move and flex the arms and legs, but I won't be able to feel this movement for a little while longer.

Sleep?  Still good.  I get up about twice in the night because I have to pee:)

Best moment this week?  I went to the doctor yesterday for my check up and I was able to hear that heartbeat again.  I LOVE THAT!  It was 160 and sounded so fast....

Food Cravings?  I have been craving tomato juice.....and virgin bloody mary's and make em' spicy :)

What I am looking forward to?  The kicks in my tummy

Gender?  Heck NO....not this time

What I miss?  All my energy

Pregnancy Symptoms?  I have had a little cramping recently and some slight pressure.  But, the doctor reassured me today that it's probably just my uterus getting bigger.

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