
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Riva Family Christmas

This past weekend Adam, Georgia, and Jayne came up.  They will not be here for Christmas so we celebrated the Riva Family Christmas while they were home.  My mom pretty much catered to all of us all weekend like she always does.  She had cooked for all of us and entertained of course.  Uncle Alex had to miss out because he had a wedding so he will open his gifts this weekend.  We enjoyed a homecooked lasagna, garlic bread, and a salad dinner that was YUMMY and all by my request.  I think my exact words to my mom were...."I'm the pregnant one so I can put in the order."  And she happily obliged.  Thanks mom!  I enjoyed it.

The kiddos........

Jayne and's funny how these progress...

blurry kisses

Jayne had just gotten up from her nap and was good to we started with the presents of course

I think Grey had died and gone to heaven when he opened his first mom kept saying she should of given him this last to open because then that's ALL he wanted.....

Jayne and Mommy

He even used the "tweezers" to open the rest of his!

Then the pics with the grandkids

and the Riva Family of 3

all the kiddos that were there.....

Merry Christmas everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Great pics! I love the santa hat one. Merry Christmas, I will try to call you over the weekend
