
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Jingle Bells.....

and We are EXCITED.....can't you tell?

A.  I'm home with my baby for 2 weeks and
B.  Santa is coming to town in a couple days even though he made a pit stop at Grammy Ann's and Dee Dee's a little early.

So yesterday Nate went down to the trax for a little bit, early in the evening and Grey and I were just goofin' around so I say...."come on Grey let's go take pictures to show how excited we are for Santa to come."  Hah!  And as sweet as he is.....Grey says...."otay mommy."  Gotta love it!

On another note, we took Grey for his 2 year appt. yesterday afternoon.  The doctor said he is doing everything a 2 year old should be doing and more.  He weighs 29lbs and I can't remember the height right now but he is 50th for weight and 75th for height........He did have to get 2 shots though:(  hepatitis and the 2nd round of the flu/H1N1 shot.....and this time he screamed when they did it but only for 2 seconds and then he was fine......and he was back to himself when we got home.  And get this....I have been trying to check for his 2 year molars and could not see anything well today we found out that the bottom two have broke through and the top two are very swollen so they should be breaking through here too......

Well that's about it for now.....I hope you are all having a wonderful "holiday" week and safe travels to all of you.....

1 comment:

  1. Oh how exciting...what will Santa be bringing little Grey? Those tools were pretty cool!
