
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Merry Christmas Miss Sue!

So, Greyson had his school Christmas party this week.  He was looking quite dapper if I do say so myself.  He had to bring cookies to pass for a cookie exchange along with a couple books to exchange with the other kids.  I thought they were both very good ideas!

We treated Miss Sue to a little gift certificate to Uptown...

And thanks to grammy Ann, these were Grey's special treats for the cookie exchange....they are so good and so's a pretzel, a rolo, and a pecan on top.......delish!

Greyson and all his treats......

He did sneak a taste or two and managed to get some chocolate on his new cream sweater....imagine that?!  (my fault completely)

He still has those morning eyes in this one....

Grey's Christmas party was a success and he came home with 2 cute books.....If you Give a Mouse a Cookie and a Dora and Diego book about Merry Christmas Miss Sue!  Hope you liked your treats:)

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