
Friday, December 24, 2010

Ernat Family Christmas

and "home week" because that's what it's all about....We have been so blessed to have both our families around recently.  It may have only been for a couple of days, but we cherished every moment of it and spent quality time together as a family.  Uncle Just and Ellory got in on Wednesday night so Deb cooked us a ham dinner and Santa stopped early so we opened presents.

I still call "all" of us the kiddos.....

My family and Greyson with a mouth full of food

Greyson digging into some appetizers

Uncle Just and Grey.....look at Grey's face....

The girls

we were showing off our new scuffies from Deb

even all the guys got new scuffies


This was Dee Dee's gag gift from's an inside joke with us because Deb always has halloween socks on ALL year round'  doesn't matter so we always give her we added to her collection of halloween socks......

She liked them.....

Then our buddy Brayden stopped by for a visit....this would be Grey's - maybe 3rd cousin-not sure......Grey was trying to entertain him

He was giving him kisses.........Grey acted like a good "big" brother would;)

These were the coats Deb bought us.....

and the new bright red scarves and it!

Den and Nate......Nate loved his new hat.....

and then Grey was in heaven again because Santa brought him a tool bench, a tool box, and another set of tools......This kid is gonna have so many tools he'll know how to fix anything;)

oh and I can't forget the orange hard hat

Ahhhhhh!  What a great "home" week it has been.  Family moments and making memories........"It's the most wonderful time of the year!"
So, once again I wish all of you a very blessed Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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