
Monday, December 6, 2010

Special Christmas Things

to me!  We spent Thanksgiving weekend getting up all of our Christmas decorations.  The only thing left to do is decorate our real christmas tree.  We bought it and it's up in the stand, which we did on Saturday.  Now, we just have to decorate it.  I'm waiting a day or two until the branches fall a bit more.  But the house smells so good with the real tree.

So, anyway I took pics along the way of all the special traditions we have......Of course, I've told you each year St. Nick brings Grey and Nate a Nutcracker.  This started with Nate as a baby and now we have passed it on with Grey.  Hopefully next Christmas I will be buying 3 Nutcrackers:)  So, we have lots of those from each year.  I really do love them.

We have so many that now I have to spread them throughout the house.  I used to put them on one table.  Can't do that anymore.

Greyson was all eyes with everything.  Here he was giving his santa a hug.

And of course everyone should have a special "Santa key" so that Santa can get in your house.

Little hands were touching everything....

Looking at all the and old

It's a pretty cool tradition to us.

Greyson found the Santa hat and quickly put it on....

And then our beautiful nativity set.  Nate sets it up every year.  Grandma Ann and Dee Dee have started Greyson on the same Nativity.  He has the three main pieces so far.  It is rather expensive so every year they add pieces to his.  Soon, it will be Grey's job to set his up in his room.

He went from Santa to cowboy.....

while Nate set up his Nativity

He was all eyes with that as well

And our countdown Christmas tree is up and ready.  Thanks grammy Ann.....we put the candy cane on the right number everyday;)

and of course our wooden shoes are out

and ready for St. Nick to leave us a surprise.

We actually put out our shoes last night and St. Nick came this to come of this year's Nutcrackers.

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