
Friday, December 3, 2010

1st Sonogram

We had our first sonogram last night.  It was pretty awesome.  Nate picked up Greyson after school and then the two of them met me at the doctor's office.  When we got into the room Greyson was checking everything out, but he wouldn't leave Nate's lap.  He was pointing to everything and of course he noticed a flash light on the counter.  Who knows?!  I am 9 1/2 weeks along and Baby Ernat #2 is due July 3rd!  Those are my calculations as well, so we will see. 

We were even able to see two teeny tiny arms and two teeny tiny legs.  With Greyson, all it looked like was a peanut with a heart beat, but Dr. said we had ours with Grey at 8 weeks and a whole week and 1/2 can really make a difference.  It really was amazing.  The heart beat was 136 which Dr. said was normal.  I don't remember what Grey's was at this point.  But, you should have seen these teeny tiny limbs moving.  It definitely put a smile on our face.  Grey still doesn't get it.  Last night I tried telling him that there is a baby in my tummy and he just laughs and points to my belly button.  lol!  He will soon be able to see a big bump....

Here are the two pics I have of our little peanut in there....:)


And on a total different note, Grey was totally BUSTED the other night and had a major time OUT!  I was folding laundry in the kitchen and I should have known because of how quiet it was but I kept going about my business.  Because, I know whenever MY child is quiet believe me he's up to NO good.  So, finally I was all done folding my laundry so I decided I better check on Grey.  Well, this is what I found....Uncle Ben's rice ALL over the place.  I was a little mad and made him go in a time out and he still had a smirk on his face.

He knew........He always knows;)
so, out came the vaccuum, but you should have seen the mess I had......

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