
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Just another Saturday Mornin'

It's only 10:30 and we've already folded laundry, did the bills, read ALL of our books, cuddled a little, enjoyed a doughnut, and played outside..........hmmmmmm what to do now?!

here's the powder sugar covered mouth.....oh and we got another haircut yesterday

we made some pictures and I was specifically told he wanted the "red pen"

gave a little "cheese"

and kept drawing

We woke up to this today

So, once daddy got up the two of them went outside to shovel.  Luckily, we had a snowsuit from last year that was too big and fit just right this year.  My mom had Grey's hat so we had to wear our last year one which I am very surprised still fit him.....He was getting frustrated with the mittens

But, once he got outside he could NOT stop squealing....

He was knee deep into it

and now we are back inside reading ALL of our books...hah!

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