
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Just for Fun....My little Scorpio baby...

As we all know Grey entered our lives on Sunday, November 2nd, 2008, which makes him a Scorpio. I always find it fun to read about the signs and see if they are on target or not. I found this today and found it pretty amusing. And I must add that the first sentence reads as follows:

The symbol for Scorpio is similar to that of Virgo. (see, just like his mommy...I'm a virgo)

Scorpio – Mysterious Little Angels
Bringing a brand new Scorpio into your home is like bringing home a riveting best seller, one that is full of suspense and mystery, but one you'll never have to stop reading, for as long as this Mysterious Little Angel is in your home, you’ll still be turning pages.

Scorpios are the most mysterious and also the most misunderstood of all the signs. It is in their very nature to keep things to themselves and if you are used to openness, this can be hard to understand and you’ll want this little Angel to open up. They will, but in their own time, but as with all the signs, they’ve got to be allowed to be themselves.

You’ll find that your little Angel loves to play hiding games, ‘where is he? I can’t see him anywhere… boo, there he is!’ They’ll love to have secret hiding places for their favorite things and if you want to see your little Angel bristle with excitement, start a sentence with, ‘Do you want to know a secret?’ or, ‘Can you keep a secret’? They just love the concept of things being hidden.

Scorpio doesn’t operate in the light. Everything about Scorpio is hidden or dark. From ancient times the Scorpion has been associated with the hidden aspects of life. It is Scorpio’s role to see the things that the rest of us miss. (This could be both good and bad-especially BAD when Grey is in his teenage years and his nosy mother will want to know EVERYTHING and the latest gossip.)

As your little Scorpio reaches an age when they can talk, be prepared for the most unusual of questions, for they’re fascinated about things that we don’t usually talk about. One of the most valuable things that you can do for your little Scorpio, is to be as open as you possibly can and even when there are adult things happening in your life, don’t keep them from your little one, thinking you’re protecting them. They can smell a secret from a mile off and what information you don’t provide them with, they’ll fill in the gaps, with their own vivid imagination.

You’ve got a very passionate little Angel here, one that will love mysteries and intrigue. As a Water sign, introduce them to water at an early age.

As a Water sign, Scorpio’s are emotional, but because they feel things very deeply and hold things in, they are susceptible to getting a little too deep. They will need lightening up from time to time. If your little Angel is hurt, they’re quite likely to take it inside where no one can see. On the outside, everything is quiet, but inside they’re still hurt about something that happened to them. Your little Angel is very sensitive.

You’ll never truly understand your little Cosmic Mystery, but this will be one of the best reads you’ve ever had. Like your favorite book that never ends, not knowing what’s coming on the next page. Just when you think you know your little Scorpio, they’ll surprise you all over again.

They are an absolute delight and most Scorpio children have an ‘X’ factor, there’s something about them that is intriguing. When they get older, they’ll be very attractive to the opposite sex. These are delightful children and although you may never truly understand them, they’ll have you under their hypnotic charm from day one.

(I think we better all look out now-lol!)

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